We're glad you're here.

Welcome. That is how we want you to feel with you visit us. We know there are many reasons you may be joining us. New to the area, curious about the faith... Whatever it is, we are here for you.

We've answered a few of the most common questions below, if you still have questions, or would like to register with the parish, please reach out - We are here for you!

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Questions & Answers

Here are some answers to common questions for first time visitors.

Mass typically lasts an hour and consists of two parts. The first half includes scripture readings and a homily (sermon), while the second half concentrates on the consecration of the eucharist and communion. Worship aides are available for you to follow along.  

We're all at different places in our Faith Journey - we understand. Those who are not Catholic are welcome to attend Mass, however, may not receive communion. When you are ready - we'd love to talk to you about the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and how to officially join the Catholic Church.

Knowing when to do what can be intimidating - You'll learn all the specifics in RCIA. Don't worry if you're a bit off sync, we've all been there at one time or another. 

YES! Children are encouraged to attend Mass with their parents! We understand that small bodies sometimes have trouble sitting still. Our entryway has two large windows so you can still enjoy the Mass even if you need to move from the main body of the church with your child.

Welcome home. Before you receive communion, you may check with a priest to ensure you are in good standing.  

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Considering Becoming Catholic?
Congratulations! You've taken the first important step.

We know there are many things to learn, we are here to help you along the way.
At RCIA you will learn all about our beliefs and the sacraments. Ready to learn more? Complete the contact form and we will get you information about the next steps!